I could use this space to write about the bizarre story and seemingly undoing of Scott Stapp, frontman of Creed, with his living out of a truck and alleged threats toward President Obama.
However, since I don’t want to speculate on “he said/she said” and also won’t speak with you for a couple of weeks due to the Holidays, I thought I would keep this entry positive!
So I want to wish you and your family Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!! And if you live far away from home or perhaps don’t have a lot of family left, I hope you can find some happiness from within, especially by HELPING OTHERS. By doing so, you will feel better about yourself and peace in your heart.
I find that the older I get, both helping others and spending time with family makes me feel fulfilled. More so, it truly simplifies life, making mundane stress seem ordinary and easily combated. So I hope you will join me in continuing to treasure both things and making them a bigger priority in 2015!
What’s more, I hope you’ll keep the radio glued to Round Trip each and every weekend on the great radio station in your city that carries us! It’s a joy to spend some time with you each week and I want you to know that I appreciate you listening more than you can imagine. This show is a lot of work but is totally worth it thanks to YOU.
So in summary… as ‘N Sync once sang… “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays!!!”
Until 2015, take care, and keep livin’ the 90’s dream.
Dave O