Leave Britney Alone!


I’m supposed to be on vacation this week but wanted to post a quick note about one of my favorite people in the world, Britney Spears!

If you’re a regular reader of these articles, you know my feelings for Brit Brit – I’ve been a fan and admirer of her’s since we were both 17! We are the exact same age, so I feel like we kind of have grown up together.

I’ve met Britney a couple of times and she is always down to earth, kind, polite and fun. So I hate seeing her get the “toxic” results (pun intended) that she seems to semi-regularly face in various relationships. While she certainly isn’t without complete fault, neither are the rest of us in any relationships we’ve had end.

This time it’s a man named David Lucado who has broken Britney’s heart. Depending on who you believe, the story is either bad or very bad, but one thing seems fact – Lucado cheated on Britney. And again, if you believe some of the rumors, the infidelity might have been with an adult film star AND been filmed!!!

And what’s worse? Rumors say that Britney’s Father was the one who saw the tape, bought it and protected his daughter and the rest of the world from it’s viewing.

Regardless of whether the sex tape part is accurate, it’s still sad to see anyone get cheated on, especially Britney! Many will live in a glass house and just mock me for caring – I get that.

But remember not to throw any rocks if so! 🙂

That’s it for this time – just wanted to show my support for one of my faves!

Until next time, take care, and keep livin’ the 90’s dream!!

-Dave O
