Spice Girls fans – its time to once again SPICE UP YOUR LIFE!!!
That’s right, not only do the Spice Girls have a musical coming out at the end of this year in the UK, called “Viva Forever,” but they also have announced that “most likely,” a “tell all” 90 minute documentary will be coming out in the near future, too.
After reading that, you might ask, why only “most likely?”
Apparently, there’s a slight chance Victoria Beckham might back out and if that occurs, the documentary would be pulled. Either way though, you can see the musical come December.
Moving onto something a bit more serious, you’ve most likely heard about Sheryl Crow and the “noncancerous” brain tumor she was diagnosed with about ten days ago. Sheryl, who is already a survivor of breast cancer, is trying to calm the nerves of her friends, family and fans by saying, “please, don’t worry about me,” though obviously, we all are while sending best wishes her way.
Sheryl’s well publicized medical conditions can offer us two reminders:
A. Sheryl is an AMAZING human being, and we can ALL be fighters and overcome curve balls thrown at us. We have to learn to “roll with the punches.”
B. Never take a single day of life for granted. Don’t wish away days looking ahead at particular days or weeks. You never know when things can completely change. As Don Henley once sang, “In a New York Minute… everything can change.”
Last, this week’s Twitter question comes to @roundtrip90s from Sarah in Flagstaff, Arizona.
“Loved the Macarena interview last week. Any more big interviews soon? Thnx you guys are great.”
Thanks for the compliments Sarah and of course, we definitely have some big interviews soon.
For one, I can confirm that Adam Duritz of Counting Crows will be joining us in the near future. We’ve also received “soft commits” from The Rembrandts and Sir Mix-A-Lot. Just keep listening and they’ll join us on a flight back to the 90’s soon!
Until next time, Take Care, and “Keep livin’ the 90’s dream!”
-Dave O