Instead of updating you on your favorite ’90’s artists this week, I thought it would be appropriate to reflect upon the tenth anniversary of 9/11. It is hard to believe its been ten years since that horrible, horrific day. I am sure you remember exactly where you were and if you’re like me, it almost gets worse the further away we get from the day.
What I mean by that is, I don’t know if we really could grasp the complete tragedy that day was at the time it occurred. We obviously knew it was the worst day in United States history, and we knew we had to stick together, but as time goes by and we read more and more about it, I feel like it becomes more surreal and painful. And, I wish there was something I could do to help those families and loved ones who were directly touched by a loss that day. I am positive their pain is just as bad today as it was then, and that pains me more than I can describe. If anyone is reading this in that boat, please send me an e-mail and let me help you.
In summary, I doubt any of us will ever completely heal from the wound we were dealt that day. There is just no possible way to put a bandage over our minds and souls.
However, I hope you will join me in keeping those innocent and brave people in your hearts today, even more so than normal.
I also hope we can join together and have strength from the power of unison. It is my belief that while we’ll never fully recover from that day, we can at least take comfort in knowing we are all in this together and have each others back.
And there’s something to say about that